Important information regarding upcoming doorstep changes for existing customers - please click HERE for more information

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Webshop Services

    1. Is your home delivery service available in my area?

      Please go to the register page in the online shop and complete the registration form. Once completed, our system will check whether we can provide a home delivery service to your area. If you live in an area that is not recognised by our system, your address will be checked by our doorstep delivery team who will get back to you as soon as they can. Just ensure to leave your name and email address with us in the registration page. Note that we can only deliver to houses or flats with a private ground level entrance to leave goods. If you are unsure, please reach out to us by email

    2. Do you deliver to flats or apartment blocks?

      We can only deliver to houses or flats with a private ground level entrance to leave goods. If you are unsure, please reach out to us by email

    3. Do you have a price list?

      You can find all our prices in our online shop. Note that we offer free delivery on all of our products.

    4. I already have an account with Grahams. Can I register on the online shop?

      On 21st December 2020 we emailed an invitation to many of our existing customers to log in to their new Webshop accounts. If you have not received an invitation please email us and we can check this for you as we may have taken your email address down incorrectly. Alternatively, if you are confident you have not had a Webshop account set up before (either by yourself or a door to door salesperson) you are free to register, but please ensure you answer "Yes" to already having an account with Graham's to ensure your accounts aren't duplicated. We can also link up your existing Direct Debit should you have one set up - just let us know and we can get that set up for you. You must set up a Direct Debit in order to use our service, but you also have the option to pay by card as long as a Direct Debit has been set up, which can be done completely online in just a few minutes.

    5. How do I place an order?

      We are delighted to hear that you are interested in our home delivery service! Please go to the register page in the shop and complete the registration form. If you're in an area we can serve you can immediately set up an account with us and you will then be free to add items to your weekly order. Please note that you must set up a paperless Direct Debit online before we can process any of your orders.

    6. How do I pay for my order?

      You can pay via card or Direct Debit, however a Direct Debit must be set up with your account in order to use our service and will be set up by default when you register . Should you wish to pay by card you can regularly use one-off payments to do this and your Direct Debit will therefore only be used should any balance remain unpaid. See 'Can I pay by card' for more information.

    7. How do I set up a Direct Debit?

      Before you can set up a Direct Debit you must first register an account with us via the online shop. Soon after you will be sent another confirmation email asking you to register for a Direct Debit allowing you to set up a paperless Direct Debit with us in a few minutes online. To set this up you can click the Direct Debit link at the top of the page and fill out the online mandate. Please ensure that your address and name matches what is on your bank statement and that you carefully enter your sort code (no dashes are required) and bank account number. Direct Debit payments are being taken weekly every Friday. Should there be any problems with setting up your online Direct Debit you can immediately try again, however should you need assistance the telephone number and email address for our credit control team will be displayed on the page.

    8. Can I pay by card?

      In order for you to have an account with us, we require that a Direct Debit is set up so that your weekly invoices are cleared automatically should there be any balance on them. We do however provide the option to pay by credit or debit card which you can access via your Webshop account. Simply go to the One off payments link at the top of the screen and you can make a top-up payment to a value of your choosing which will be allocated to your account.

    9. I cannot find my house name/number from the dropdown list when registering, am I still eligible?

      We try and include every house for all postcodes to help fill in your own address details, but on occasion a genuine address may be missing if it has not surfaced in our data sources. Should this happen, simply select any other house on the list and you will be able to edit the address directly under the dropdown box to match your exact address.

    10. I want to change my order - how long do I have before you despatch?

      We usually require one working days' notice to change your order.

    11. What days will my deliveries be?

      Most deliveries are Mondays to Fridays depending on your area. As soon as you register in the online shop you can check what days your driver delivers to you by going to the Delivery Days link at the top of the page. Here, you can select up to a maximum of two deliveries per week.

    12. What time will my deliveries be?

      Depending on the delivery schedule for each driver you may receive your order at any time during the day. The majority of orders will be delivered in the middle of the night, but we aim to deliver most orders before 8am. We do not need anyone to be at home to accept your order and we will leave this on the doorstep or other private area as specified by you. If you would like to leave a cool box out we are happy to pop your products in.

    13. I have placed an order, what happens next?

      Thank you for placing an order with us! You will always receive a confirmation email after every change you make to your order. Additionally, you can keep track of your order changes by going to the My Account link at the top of the page and going into Orders. Your order will then be delivered on the upcoming delivery day you specified in the order each week. Your driver may need extra time on your very first order, but we will notify you by email should your first delivery date change. Please note we usually need one working days' notice to change your order.

      Note that your driver does not require you to be at home or to sign for your delivery and will leave your order on or near your doorstep (unless you specify otherwise).

    14. What do I do with glass bottles when I finish them?

      Please rinse out your glass bottles and leave them on the doorstep for our driver to collect on your next delivery day.

    15. Can I pause my deliveries?

      Yes you can! You can set any date ranges you like for your deliveries to be stopped while you are on holiday for example. This can be set up in the Weekly Order section of your Webshop account.
      To pause your deliveries for less than a week see below.

    16. How do I stop my order?

      If you're needing to pause your deliveries this is possible by logging in to your account, going into the Weekly Order link at the top of the page, and changing the quantities of your ordered products to zero. Once this is done you must confirm the order by completing the checkout process fully through to payment. You will then be emailed a confirmation email showing zero quantities against your order. You will only be charged for orders that were delivered to you, which means payment via Direct Debit will automatically be paused until you change and confirm your order quantities again. Please allow us a minimum of one working days' notice if you wish to start your orders again.

    17. How do I close my account?

      We’re sorry to hear you wish to close your account. If you do not wish to receive any more deliveries for now, please consider just stopping your order (See 'How do I stop my order?'). This will stop your deliveries and all future payments with us, but will allow you to immediately continue again should you choose to do so in the future. By closing your account we will remove all of your details held with us and disable your access to the online shop immediately. Please allow us time to clear your balance on your account before cancelling your Direct Debit with your bank. To close your account, you can go to My account link at the top of the page, and select the Manage Your Data option. Here, you can click the Close Account which will immediately stop future deliveries with us and close down your account permanently.

    18. I have a question regarding my order, or something else not listed in the FAQs - how can I contact you?

      If you are unsure about how to do something check out our How To Guide for more instructions.

      You can also email us with any queries to, or alternatively reach out to your local depot. Your depot's contact information is displayed in your account confirmation email and additionally in each order confirmation email sent to you.

  2. Our Products

    1. Is your packaging recyclable?

      Building a happy, sustainable environment for our next generation is incredibly important to our family.

      Actively working to make positive ecological changes across every area of our business, we particularly encourage everyone to reduce, reuse, recycle.

      We always aim to ensure that our products are of excellent quality and that includes our packaging.

      Recyclable packaging solutions are high on our priority list and ensure our customers that all our tubs and lids across our ranges are widely recyclable.

      Did you know that between 75-80% of milk bottles are recycled? Making them UKs most recycled container. To recycle our milk bottles, all you need to do is rinse, keep the cap and label on and place in the recycle bin (plastics).

      We still have some way to go, but so far we have made some big changes:

      • All of our milk bottles are 100% recyclable
      • We introduced glass milk bottle doorstep delivery across Scotland this year, for further information and to order click here
      • Our bottles are HDPE which is recycled by 99% of all UK councils
      • HDPE is recycled into toys, pipes and of course, more milk bottles
      • The plastic in our milk caps have been reduced in weight by 13% this year
      • Between 75-80% of all milk bottles are recycled
      • We are undergoing a trial on machine pallet wrap, with the aim to reduce plastic usage by 50% annually
      • 100% of all our recyclable cardboard waste is uplifted locally to be reused
      • 15% of the bottle is made up from recycled plastic…and we are working on getting this even higher!
    2. Are your ingredients natural?

      Yes. The quality of our ingredients really matters to our family, our yoghurts are all:

      • Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives
      • Suitable for vegetarians
      • Food from animals fed on authorised GM crops is considered to be as safe as food from animals fed on non-GM crops. However, if you wish to avoid this then our organic milk is from cows that are never fed GMO feed
  3. Our Cows

    1. To what extent your cows are grass-fed/have access to pasture?

      Many of our farmers run grass-based systems with the cows having access to grazing as weather conditions permit. However, due to the short growing season and wetter weather in some areas of Scotland, this is not possible for all of our farms and therefore our standard milk may contain milk from fully housed milking cows. These cows will have access to pasture at certain times of their life and be housed when they are milking. This is normal practice for the majority of milk processors but rest assured that these cows are cared for to the highest of standards.

      The Gold range comes from our Jersey cows and is also Red Tractor Farm Assured. Jersey are extremely good at turning grass into the beautiful rich milk that you enjoy and will spend the summer months grazing and the cold, wet winter months in farms sheds eating silage, hay, barley and wheat. Further information on the Grahams, their cows and our farmers can be found at

      The Graham’s Organic milk and also Scottish Waitrose milk is also from cows that graze outside in the summer months with this being another option for you.

    2. What do your cows eat?

      Feeding of cows depends on their stage of lactation as the cows should always maintain a safe weight – just like humans – neither too fat nor too thin. They need a nutritionally balanced constant diet to stay healthy. The majority of our dairy cows eat grass during the summer and silage (preserved grass or wholecrop) in the winter. This is usually supplemented with dry feeds such as cereals and protein feeds with added vitamins and minerals. Each dairy cow eats between 25 and 50 kg of feed per day and needs a constant and regular supply of fresh water to drink.

      Organic dairy cows eat a 100% organic diet. At least 60% of their diet must consist of fodder, roughage or silage, with a maximum of 40% concentrates.

      The Graham’s Organic milk and also Scottish Waitrose milk is also from cows that graze outside in the summer months with this being another option for you.

    3. Do you keep calves?

      Weaning calves

      Calves are weaned off milk no less than 8-12 weeks to ensure functional development. All farmers want to ensure the best start in life for their calves. Weaning is dictated by many factors but the main criterion is usually when the calf is eating about 1kg of concentrates per day and weighs about 60kgs. This is usually about 8 weeks of age.

      Male calves

      Most dairy herds breed some pure-bred dairy heifers each year. The use of artificial insemination allows farmers to breed from many different bulls according to the replacement policy of their herd.

      On our farm we rear our own Jersey dairy heifer replacements and use sexed semen to ensure that the calf born is female. These calves will be reared on the farm with the others calves and then they will enter the milking herd at about 2 years old.

      All of our cows are kept to the highest of standards and have access to the lush grass of Stirling that makes the delicious milk. During the winter months when the weather is poor the cows and calves are housed and are fed a diet of silage and grains.

    4. Is your milk A2 or A1

      Our Organic Whole Milk is produced from mainly Holstein cows, research indicates that this breed produces a higher proportion of A1 protein than A2 protein. However, the A1 protein is much less prevalent in milk from Jersey Cows where, instead, there is a higher percentage of A2. Our Gold Top and Protein 22 milk comes from Jersey cows.

      We don’t selectively breed for the A1/A2 proteins or carry out testing so we are unable to claim that our Gold milk is A2 but research has shown that the A2 protein predominates in Channel Island breeds. Further information on the Grahams, their cows and our farmers can be found at

    5. Are you Red Tractor certified?

      Yes. All our farmer meet the standards set by the Red Tractor Farm Assurance Scheme.

      All of our Graham’s farmers are Red Tractor Farm Assured and meet if not exceed the welfare requirements of the scheme, further details of which can be found here

    6. What is your Organic Certification?

      All of our supplying farmers are based on Scotland and are members of Omsco who meet the Organic standards, the details of which can be found here .

      Organic dairy cows eat a 100% organic diet. At least 60% of their diet must consist of fodder, roughage or silage, with a maximum of 40% concentrates.

    7. Do your farmers comply to the Animal Welfare Council’s Five Freedoms?

      Yes. Our dairy farmers are committed to keeping their cows happy and healthy and comply with the Farm Animal Welfare Council's Five Freedoms:

      1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst: by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.
      2. Freedom from Discomfort: by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
      3. Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease: by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
      4. Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour: by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal's own kind.
      5. Freedom from Fear and Distress: by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.